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There are '2' companies listed under: 'Humidifier outdoor systems'
ADDRESS: 14949 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 United States
CONTACT PERSON: Duncan Curd (Global Business Development Leader)
TEL: +32 11 823595
BRANDS: RTS humidifier RX series (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Hydrotrue Water Treatment Systems, Adiatec Ultrasonic Humidifier, RL Series Dehumidifier, GTS humidifier LX series (gas-fired steam humidifier), Vaporstream electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), CRUV electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Vapormist electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Humidi-tech electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), XT Series electrode humidifier (isothermal electrode steam humidifier), XTR Series electrode humidifier (isothermal electrode steam humidifier), Low-maintenance humidification system (electric resistive humidifier with reverse osmosis system), Pressurized steam dispersion, Pressurized steam humidifiers, Non-pressurized steam dispersion, Non-pressurized steam humidifiers, Ultra-sorb Model XV pressurized steam dispersion panel, High-efficiency insulated dispersion tubes, Ultra-sorb Model LV pressurized steam dispersion panel, Ultra-sorb Model LH pressurized steam dispersion panel, Ultra-sorb Model MP pressurized steam dispersion panel, Rapid-sorb dispersion tube system, Single dispersion tubes, Space distribution units and blowers, Multiple-tube humidifiers, Maxi-bank humidifiers, Mini-bank humidifiers, Single-tube humidifiers, Area-type fan (steam dispersion), Adiatec high-pressure system (evaporative cooling and humidification for multiple zones), Adiatec wetted media system (evaporative cooling and humidification), Hydrotrue RO 200 series water treatment system (reverse osmosis), Hydrotrue RO 400 series water treatment system (reverse osmosis), Hydrotrue water pre-treatment systems, Hydrotrue water softener systems, Hydrotrue dechlorinator systems, Vapor-logic controllers (humidifier status, control and trouble-shooting), Drane-kooler water tempering device
BRANDS: RTS humidifier RX series (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Hydrotrue Water Treatment Systems, Adiatec Ultrasonic Humidifier, RL Series Dehumidifier, GTS humidifier LX series (gas-fired steam humidifier), Vaporstream electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), CRUV electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Vapormist electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), Humidi-tech electric humidifier (isothermal resistive electric steam humidifier), XT Series electrode humidifier (isothermal electrode steam humidifier), XTR Series electrode humidifier (isothermal electrode steam humidifier), Low-maintenance humidification system (electric resistive humidifier with reverse osmosis system), Pressurized steam dispersion, Pressurized steam humidifiers, Non-pressurized steam dispersion, Non-pressurized steam humidifiers, Ultra-sorb Model XV pressurized steam dispersion panel, High-efficiency insulated dispersion tubes, Ultra-sorb Model LV pressurized steam dispersion panel, Ultra-sorb Model LH pressurized steam dispersion panel, Ultra-sorb Model MP pressurized steam dispersion panel, Rapid-sorb dispersion tube system, Single dispersion tubes, Space distribution units and blowers, Multiple-tube humidifiers, Maxi-bank humidifiers, Mini-bank humidifiers, Single-tube humidifiers, Area-type fan (steam dispersion), Adiatec high-pressure system (evaporative cooling and humidification for multiple zones), Adiatec wetted media system (evaporative cooling and humidification), Hydrotrue RO 200 series water treatment system (reverse osmosis), Hydrotrue RO 400 series water treatment system (reverse osmosis), Hydrotrue water pre-treatment systems, Hydrotrue water softener systems, Hydrotrue dechlorinator systems, Vapor-logic controllers (humidifier status, control and trouble-shooting), Drane-kooler water tempering device
Manakhat Trading Company
ADDRESS : PO Box 65411, Al Ulaya Street, 12611, Riyadh Saudi Arabia
TEL : +966 11 2170020
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