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Please note: All product and company listings are entered and managed by the companies that have registered. CPI Industry is not authorised to carry out any editing.
Editor's Note
Dear Colleagues:
Welcome to the 10th edition of the Climate Control Guide & Directory (CCG&D). It is always thrilling to touch a milestone, and this one is no different.
The way CCG&D ( has evolved over the years is heartwarming. On behalf of CPI Industry, a big thanks to all of you for participating in the book with such enthusiasm through sending in your entries.
The progress of CCG&D can be measured also by how the online edition of the book has evolved. Today, it is arguably the single largest regional (Middle East) source of reference for consultants, contractors, engineering representatives working for developers and master developers and for event organisers producing HVACR-related events in the region.
A new feature of the online platform is a tab for tenders-related information. Yes, we shall be posting queries from contractors and developers, looking for information on equipment from manufacturers and their channel partners. That way, the feature is very useful for all technological solutions providers, and also for service providers, in their bid to showcase their products and services and, specifically, to match the specific needs of clients.
As per tradition, this edition (2018) contains editorial articles covering a wide range of topics, including data centres, District Cooling, variable refrigerant flow technology and indoor environmental quality. We believe they add value through the insights and recommendations they hold in their bough. The articles preface the product-wise and company-wise listings, which we hope you find useful as ever.
As always, we look forward to your comments, useful as they are in improving the exercise of sharing of key information.
Best Wishes,
Sri Vidya Surendar
Directory Editor, CPI Industry
Disclaimer: CPI Industry is not responsible for, or guarantees, the safety, reliability, energy efficiency, IEQ-enhancing properties, etc., of the products listed in this website and in the print book; the onus is on the purchaser to carry out necessary evaluation measures before arriving at a buying decision.